Lawn Mowing
We offer a weekly mowing service, where your lawns growing pattern during different seasons dictates the frequency of the mowing schedule.
Once we schedule your lawn on a certain day each week, you can expect us to mow your lawn once each week during spring and fall, and once every two weeks depending on its growth at our discretion, during the summer. This ensures your lawn is cut weekly during heavy growing periods, and less often during summer drought.
Generally speaking you may expect your lawn to be mowed once a week from the beginning of March through till the end of June, then bi-weekly (once every two weeks) depending on your lawns growth at our discretion, during the summer drought sometime in July and or August. Please note that bi-weekly mowing is the minimum service requirement during summer. The mowing will then return to a once per week schedule, with the return of cooler weather, and rain in September, October and November.
Terms of Service
Your mowing price is based on a weekly cut in the spring and fall, then bi-weekly in the summer months at our discretion if the lawns growth slows down. The service includes mowing, trimming, and blowing off any grass clippings from your driveway, patio and sidewalks. Grass clippings are put in your green organics bin for city pickup on garbage day.
All services are billed once per month to your credit card (Visa or MasterCard).
Please ensure all animal waste is picked up prior to your regularly scheduled mowing day to avoid a $15 animal waste surcharge. Also please ensure that any items such as garden hoses and kids toys etc are also off the lawn as well.
Please note: We do not move trampolines. It is the property owners responsibility to move trampolines or kids play structures, furniture, hoses or anything else if needed, otherwise they will be mowed around.
All lawns with leaves in the fall will have a minimum $15 leaf cleanup surcharge added each week to offset the additional time required to mow. This leaf cleanup surcharge may be more at our discretion for lawns that are larger, ie corner lots, or lawns that have substantially more leaves than average lawns.
Cancellation Policy – Due to the seasonality of lawn care and the fact that the vast majority of calls come in the spring, together with the limited availability on the schedule. There will be a $120 early cancellation fee charged for clients who cancel service prior to October 31. No cancellation fees will be charged for clients who cancel in the off season or for clients who put their properties up for sale mid season, as long as the property is sold and we are servicing the property up until the transfer date.
Acceptance of your mowing estimate is also acceptance to the terms of service listed above.
We require a clients credit card number prior to starting any work.